Free Fuzzy Logic Library

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Minimum FCL Compliance

FFLL is not fully compliant with the FCL standards set forth in IEC 61131-7. To reach the "basic level" compliance (as stated in Table 6.1-1 of IEC 61131-7) the following elements are mandatory: 

Language Element Keyword  Details
function block declaration VAR_INPUT, VAR_OUTPUT contains input and output variables
membership function  input variable: TERM maximum of three points (degree of membership co-ordinate = 0 or 1)
output variable: TERM only singletons
conditional aggregation  operator: AND algorithm: MIN
activation Not relevant because singletons are used only
accumulation (result aggregation) operator: ACCU algorithm: MAX
defuzzification  METHOD  algorithm: COGS
condition IF ... IS ... n subconditions
conclusion  THEN  only one subconclusion
weighting factor WITH  value only

FFLL complies with all these "minimum standards".

Production Rules 

The following are the "production rules" defined for the Fuzzy Control Language (FCL). Elements of the FCL in GREY are not (currently) supported by FFLL. Elements in RED are functionality added by FFLL.

function_block_declaration ::= ‘FUNCTION_BLOCK‘ function_block_name
fb_io_var_declarations ::= input_declarations | output_declarations
other_var_declarations ::= var_declarations
function_block_body ::= {fuzzify_block}
fuzzify_block ::= ‘FUZZIFY’ variable_name
defuzzify_block ::= ‘DEFUZZIFY’ f_variable_name

rule_block ::= ‘RULEBLOCK’ rule_block_name
option_block ::= ‘OPTION’
                                 any manufacturere specific parameter
linguistic_term ::= ‘TERM’ term_name ‘:=‘ membership_function ‘;’
membership_function ::= singleton | points
singleton ::= numeric_literal | variable_name
points ::= {‘(‘ numeric_literal | variable_name ‘,’ numeric_literal ‘)’}
defuzzification_method ::= ‘METHOD’ ‘:’ ‘COG’ | ‘COGS’ | ‘COA’ | ‘LM’ | ‘RM’ | MOM‘;’
default_value ::= ‘DEFAULT’ ‘:=‘ numeric_literal | ‘NC’ ‘;’
range ::= ‘RANGE’ ‘:=‘ ‘(‘numeric_literal ‘..’ numeric_literal‘)’ ‘;’
operator_definition ::= (‘OR’ ‘:’ ‘MAX’ | ‘ASUM’ | ‘BSUM’) | (‘AND’ ‘:’ ‘MIN’ | ‘PROD’ | ‘BDIF’) ‘;’
activation_method ::= ‘ACT’ ‘:’ ‘PROD’ | ‘MIN’ ‘;’
accumulation_method ::= ‘ACCU’ ‘:’ ‘MAX’ | ‘BSUM’ | ‘NSUM’ ‘;’
rule ::= ‘RULE’ integer_literal ‘:’
            ‘IF’ condition ‘THEN’ conclusion [WITH weighting_factor] ‘;’
condition ::= (subcondition | variable_name) {AND’ | ‘OR’ (subcondition | variable_name)}
subcondition ::= (‘NOT’ ‘(‘ variable_name ‘IS’ [‘NOT'] ) term_name ‘)’) | ( variable_name ‘IS’ [‘NOT’] term_name )

FFLL shorthand: subcondition ::= term_name

Note: This is one area where FFLL uses a shorthand of just using the term name. To adhere to the standard it should use subconditions of (variable_name IS term_name). FFLL assumes the term_name part of each rule is specified in the order that the variables are declared so it "knows" which variable_name the term_name belongs to.

Note: Regardless if the strict FCL syntax or the FFLL shorthand is used, FFLL assumes the variables are "AND"ed in the order they are declared.

conclusion ::= { (variable_name | (variable_name ‘IS’ term_name)) ‘,’} 
weighting_factor ::= variable | numeric_literal
function_block_name ::= identifier
rule_block_name ::= identifier
term_name ::= identifier
variable_name ::= identifier
numeric_literal ::= integer_literal | real_literal
letter ::= 'A' | 'B' | <...> | 'Z' | 'a' | 'b' | <...> | 'z'
digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
identifier ::= (letter | ('_' (letter | digit))) {['_'] (letter | digit)}
input_declarations ::=
input_declaration ';'
{input_declaration ';'}

input_declaration ::= var_init_decl | edge_declaration

var_init_decl ::= var1_init_decl | array_var_init_decl | structured_var_init_decl | fb_name_decl | string_var_declaration

var1_init_decl ::= var1_list ':'
(simple_spec_init | subrange_spec_init | enumerated_spec_init)
var1_list ::= variable_name {',' variable_name}
array_var_init_decl ::= var1_list ':' array_spec_init

output_declarations ::=
var_init_decl ';'
{var_init_decl ';'}

real_type_name ::= 'REAL' | 'LREAL'
numeric_type_name ::= integer_type_name | real_type_name
elementary_type_name ::= numeric_type_name | date_type_name | bit_string_type_name | 'STRING' | 'WSTRING' | 'TIME'
simple_type_name ::= identifier
simple_type_declaration ::= simple_type_name ':' simple_spec_init
simple_specification ::= elementary_type_name | simple_type_name
simple_spec_init := simple_specification [':=' constant]